Lance skates us through the past, present, and future of pool skating in this special edition of Pooling Around. Feat. Ben Raybourn, Brandon Perelson, Chris Russell, Kevin Kowalski, Brad McClain, and many more rippers...
Feat. Ben Raybourn, Brandon Perelson, Chris Russell, Kevin Kowalski, Brad McClain, and many more rippers.

thank you to theskateboardmag for the vid!

"VERT IS DEAD" ~ FOR FUN by Zack Miller

You don't have to love vert to enjoy this video. Mini Miller and friends tear apart the DC/Monster ramp in this FUN vid. Zack not only takes after his Legendary pops in style, he also knows what skateboarding needs, as he highlights the artistry in skateboarding rather than the popular "skate stunts" that over saturate the internet. Vert is dead! Check out his vimeo channel ZackMillerTV.
"VERT IS DEAD" ~ FOR FUN from Zach Miller on Vimeo.